Sunday, November 22, 2009

Jokes =)

1. Losing all your friends
Man comes home and finds his wife with his friend in bed.
He shoots his friend and kills him.
Wife says "If you behave like this, you will lose ALL your friends."
2. Brother wanted
A small boy wrote to Santa Claus,"send me a brother"....
Santa wrote back, "SEND ME YOUR MOTHER"....
3. Meaning of WIFE
Husband asks, "Do you know the meaning of WIFE? It means 'Without Information Fighting Everytime'!"
Wife replies, "No, it means 'With Idiot For Ever'!!!"
4. Importance of a period
Teacher: "Do you know the importance of a period?"
Kid: "Yeah, once my sister said she has missed one, my mom fainted, dad got a heart attack & our driver ran away."
5. Confident vs. confidential
A young boy asks his Dad, "What is the difference between confident and confidential? "
Dad says, "You are my son, I'm confident about that. Your friend over there, is also my son, that's confidential! "
6. Anger management?
Husband: "When I get mad at you, you never fight back. How do you control your anger?"
Wife: "I clean the toilet."
Husband: "How does that help?"
Wife: "I use your toothbrush ."

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Deepavali day went fine this year. Was suppose to go to Kavi's house in the afternoon but couldn't make it. Am so sorry Kavi. I promise i'll make it there next year. In the evening Nisha came over to my place. We crapped and crapped. Our crapping's are never gonna end. At night we went Arshu's house. As usual Arshu was looking extremely HOT. Nisha looked GORGEOUS on that day. When is she not?! Later on Radhika and Kasturi came. Kasturi was looking so CUTE!! And Radhika, she's always the prettiest no matter wherever she is. She wore a dress and she was stunning. We had alot of fun. I really miss them all. Love you guys alot and you guys are and will always be the BEST! =)

I'm back after a long, long, long time! Hadn't really got the time to update..
PMR's finally over!! School is going superb these days as we don't have to study nor look at the books. We'll have to go to the school hall everyday. We get to play all sort of games. These are also many trips organized by the school. Never expected it to be so fun!! Well Amanda is still not back to school. I miss her so much!! She'll be back next Thursday. Get well soon sweetheart. Love ya lots =)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Rules and regulation of the tag ;All 21 people must do unless you don't have a blog.

After doing this, tag your 21 "lucky" friends to do the same.

1. Sandy
2. Nisha
3. Kavisha
4. Radhika
5. Arshanaa
6. Kasturi
7. Vicky
8. Suraj
9. Vanessa
10. Amanda
11. Rissara
12. Joey
13. Bryan
14. Sharlyn
15. Shashfiny
16. Darren
17. Wen Ting
18. Jaclyn
19. Sharkena
20. Ramona
21. Baldeep

1. How did you meet 7? We were in the same kindergarten.
2. What would you do if you and 15 had never met? I wouldn't learn how to be a retard!(:
3. What would you do if 20 and 1 dated? Idk. Are they lesbians?!
4. Have you seen 17 cried? Nop.
5. Would 4 and 16 make a good couple? They don't know each other.
6. Do you think 11 is attractive? Obviously! She's a gorgeous babe(:
7. What is 2's favourite colour? Black and white. Err i guess so(:
8. When was the last time you talked to 9? On thursday. Not really a talk it was just a hi-bye!
9. What language does 17 speaks? English, Malay and Chinese.
10. Who is 13 going out with? No idea. Who ah Bryan??
11. Would you ever date 8? Maybe(:
12. Where do 18 live? Not sure.
13. What is the best thing about 4? She is so friendly and of course gorgeous!!
14. What would you like to tell 15 right now? Shash, I wanna hear you laugh!! You laugh too much!!
15. What is the best thing about 20? She's got an awesome body man!
16. Have you ever kiss 2? Nop. She would had given me a tight slap if i did!!
17. What is the best memory you have of 5? She cried in class once!!
18. When's the next time you're going to see 4?? Tomorrow in tuition!!
19. How is 7 different from 6? 7 is in SMKTBM meanwhile 6 is in SMKB(:
20. Is 2 pretty? Obviously!! Extremely!!
21. What was your 1st impression of 8? He's cute(:
22. How did you meet 3? In primary school.
23. Is 5 your best friend? Yup of course!
24. Do you hate 12? Nahh. She's too cute and sweet for someone to actually hate her!
25. Have you seen 18 in the last month? Yup. In fact i saw her today(:
26. When was the last time you saw 16? Last Thursday.
27. Have you been to 5's house? Yup.
28. When's the next time you'll see 10? Tomorrow.
29. Are you close to 11? Not really but she's a nice girl.
30. Have you been to the movies with 4? Not yet so far.
31. Have you gotten in trouble with 10? Once but its the opposite.
32. Would you give 19 a hug? No doubt about it!!
33. When have you lied to 3? Nop i guess.
34. Is 11 good at socializing? Yup.
35. Do you know a secret about 8? Yesh yesh! Shhh!!(:
36. Describe the relationship between 12 and 18. They don't even know each other!
37. What's the best thing about your friendship with 9? She's always there to hear my nonsense!!
39. Have you ever had a crush on 8? Maybe(:
40. How long have you known 2? 3 years?!
41. Does 11 have any girlfriend / boyfriend? Idk. Ris, do you??
42. Have you ever wanted to punch 1 in the face? Yup sometimes(:
43. Has 6 meet your parents? Nop.
44. How did you meet 11? In school.
45. Did you ever accidentally physically hurt 3? Yup. I'm sorry):
46. Do you live close to 7? Yup.
47. What is 8's favourite food? McD?!
48. What kind of car does 1 have? She can't drive!!
49. Have you traveled anywhere with 9? Nope!!
50. If you give 14 a $100 , What would she / he spend it on? On getting all sort of cute stuff's!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

It was an awesome day today! Everything went on fine(: Before texting out anything i would wanna wish Sir Samy a very Happy Birthday!! Sorry, make that a Happy Belated Birthday!! His birthday was yesterday but we celebrated it today. Sir said it was his 9th cake! Can u imagine it?! I bet he would be fed up of eating cakes in the past three days(: But who would get fed up of eating CHOCOLATE cake?? Its just the best!

We went for tuition around 3pm though class is at 3.45pm. We bought a huge chocolate fudge cake!! Yummy(: Hungry?? We waited for sir to come into the class. He showed up kinda late today. I guess he was busy finishing up the 'cakes' at home(: He was actually surprised when we throwed up a surprise party for him! There were tears in his eyes. He may be hard on the outer but hez a very nice person in the inner. I never noticed that till today.

And i never thought *you* would actually turn up today. Thanks a lot(: U made my day! And cheer up(: You cannot do anything about it, right? I don't wanna be apart from you neither but if u really have to go, then its to be fated that way): I cannot do anything to change it even if i want to. But what i know now is that i don't wanna loose you. So just cheer up yourself for now(: But always remember that I Love You and i would always do(:

Do we really have to be apart again?!
I don't wanna loose you again!
You'll still end up leaving me):

Exams are done finally(:
But there's no time for *Hooray* cause the Mid-Term exams will be in TWO weeks time!!
Pffsh** I really hate exams! And this time my marks seriously sucked to hell!!
I guess i'll just have to put everything aside and start studying! Come on, its only 5 MONTHS left! Don't you want those 7a's Nav?! GET GOING BABE!
Time's like just getting faster and PMR's like so close as if its in a month or two):

Monday, April 20, 2009


Exams were today. Believe me i was freaking tuff! I think i'm so gonna die for this exams!! Wat else could i actually hope for? I didn't study so there's nothing wrong in actually not getting high marks. Its totally my fault in this): I promise i'll start studying for the next exams (that's what i say when every exam finishes)(:
Guess wat we didn't had to separate our tables(: So the smart ass was right beside me but still i decided not to play cheat for this exam. I wonder why?! Teacher kept on keeping an eye on Suraj n me since what happened in the last exam.
Everyone kept on studying and studying (pretenders)(:! I guess i would most probably be left behind this time): Exams are to be continued tomorrow. We've got another 3 more subjects left. And after that woo!! I'm free baby(:
Actually i should be studying right now. I've no idea why i came out here to blog out something?! So i better get going now!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Quizzy Time(:

Do you think somebody likes the same that you do?
I don't know(:

What's your opinion on pot?
You mean Persatuan Orang Tinggi?! I'm so not in it cause I'll too short):

Think back to the last person you held hands with, would you kiss them?
Sandy?? Yup i would love to give her another kiss(:

Who was the last person you cried in front of?

Do you listen to songs when you're down?
Yup but i intend to get more emo-ier sometimes.

Have you ever hugged someone named Joe?
Nop. When i do, don't worry i'll tell(:

How long does it take for you to fall asleep at night?
Depends. If i'm excited or happy bout something, i wouldn't sleep all night. And if i'm too tired, it just takes a little time for me to knock doze off.

Do you know anyone that smokes pot?

Have you ever been kissed in a bedroom?

Is there someone you will never forget?
Make that cannot forget. Yup.

Do you like somebody right now?
Yup. But does it still matter??

Where is your ex right now?
Am i suppose to know??

What do you currently hear right now?
Gives You hell by All American Rejects!!

Has anyone ever broken your heart?
Yes. Could I blame them for doing that?

Is there anyone you trust 100%?

Will your next kiss be a mistake?
I have no idea. I never had my 1st.

Last place you went to that took more than 15 minutes and when?

Will this weekend be a good one?

Is the last person you hugged older than you?

What would your name be with the first three letters?

Are you someone who worries too often?
I go with the flow.

Would you ever donate blood?
Definitely. Its on my list.

Do you care if people hate you for no reason?

What was the last thing you cried about?
I've got a new pimple?! I know it sounds like the most stupid thing to cry about but its true!

Do you prefer sweet or sour candy?

Has someone ever told you they want to spend the rest of their life with you?
I don't know.

Do you get distracted easily?
Yes. =X

Who sits in front of you in math class?

Do you like to cuddle?

When's the last time you laughed really hard?
Yesterday in tuition.

Where was the last place you fell asleep other than your bed?
On my sofa.

Would you ever get a tattoo?

Have you ever kissed anyone with a name that starts with J or C?

What are you wearing? Are you decent?
T-Shirt and shorts. I don't know.

Do you currently have a boyfriend?
Nop. Not for now.

Who was the last person you talked to?
My mum.

Do you love the friends you have?
Of course. They're the best. My life woluld be a disaster without them. You guys rock:D

Where was the last place you've gone to? Was it fun?
Tuition. When is tuition not fun?! But it was much more fun after the class(:

What's the 5 hatest thing in your life?
1. Pimples!!
2. I need bracers.
3. Being too short.
4. Getting hurt.
5. Sucking marks!

If u had the chance to change something in your life, what would change?
Something? I wanna change many things!!

What do your friends name you?

Do you think you're trustable?
Idk. I don't judge myself.

Do people easily fool you?


Do people get into your business?

Who are they?

Can you last in a relationship for more than 5 years?
I can but can he??

Is it true that first love will never be forgotten?
Not for me.

Is your life private?
Not really.:D

Why's that?
I get close to people too fast sometimes.

Are you drinking right now?

Who's hurt you the most?
Why do i have to tell you?

1. Sandy.
2. Nisha.
3. Vanessa.
4. Amanda.
5. Vicky.
6. Ting Ting.
7. Shashfiny.

Friday, April 3, 2009

am back babe:)

Hey guys i'm back! First of all, so sorry for not updating my blog for a really long time. Hadn't got the time to update it lately. Well Shash here you go, my new update. Hehe. Well life seems kinda great this days. I think i've got rid of the most suckish part of my life. You just have to forget it sometimes, don't you?!
Well school has been awesome these days. But my gang and I always get caught in the class for not passing up our homework. Hehe nothing new, isn't it?? Kavisha has been really cute this days. She acting 'so not like a girl'. But the most fun time goes in tuition like usual:))) Time has been passing on so fast and PMR is so freaking near and i'm not prepared at all!! I'm guess i'm so gonna die this year:( Its only 6 months away. Ain't it fast?!
Anyways i've got nothing much to write about this time. I'll try my best to update my blog whenever i get the time.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Its the worst thing:(

Does this always have to happen to me?? Everytime i get a happiness I'll loose it the next day. Why?? Others can get what they want but not me. Why?? Did i do anything wrong until i deserve it this bad?? All i need is the answers to my questions WHY?? My mind is seriously not with me at all. I'm feel like i'm not myself anymore! I want to be myself again!! I really do!! I wanna be the girl that used to be the noisiest girl in class. The girl that laugh the most in a day. The girl that used to love hanging out with her friends and had lots of stories to talk bout. I wanna be myself again. I miss being myself. But i cannot forget you! I need to admit something. I always said that you wasn't the one of the most important thing in my life. But i'm admitting it right now you was and you still are!! Couldn't those 4 months be longer?? I miss you. I miss those times we spent together. Thank you so much for all the happiness you gave me and all the smiles you brought on my face. I wolud never forget the time we spent together. I'll never forget that. You always said that you wouldn't leave me but at the end you still did rite?? You broke your promise! And you brought tears into my eyes. I can never forget that! Everytime i look at you now there would definetly be tears in my eyes. That's how hurt i am. But what would you understand? You'll never understand me. Just get off my mind. Please let me go. Let me go. I cannot focus on anything anymore. I just want to be myself back. I try my best to smile all the time but once i'm home thats it i'm back to the normal life full of tears! I'm trying my best to move on and i wish i can. I just feel like crying and shouting aloud. I really feel like doing that but its no use. It wouldn't lessen the pain in my heart rite?? I hate everything's that going on right now. I just hate it:( Find me a way!!
This was suppose to be private and confidential but it doesn't really matter anymore now!
Thanks for those who actually wasted your time reading my complains!!
I just needed to let everything out so i did.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Hey Guys
I'm so sorry for the late update. I've been kinda busy for the last few weeks and didn't got the time to update my blog and i was also kinda lazy to update it. Hehe
But I'm back now!!
My birthday was great this year. Well it falls on a Monday which is apparently on a schooling day.
It was so fun!!
Got a few gifts from my beloved retarded friends
Here are the pictures of a few of the gifts that i got

This lovely card is from Sandy-Mandy.
She also gifted me a pretty bracelet with the. It's hanging around our picture.
Love you my gas ass boyfriend. You're superbly the best. I wonder who would I be without you! Thank you for the gift. In fact thank you for everything.

This is from Nisha. My dog!!
Thank You so much!
You're the best too. I wouldn't be this retarded without you.

This cute puppy is from Ting Ting:)
There's also a pendant with the puppy.
She also wrote me a letter saying that she's sorry because she couldn't get me a better gift and she'll get me another one when she goes out shopping.
But I love this gift and there's no need to get me another gift:)
You're the best sis ever!! xD

Thanks a lot Kavisha for this beautiful chain.
Its lovely :D

Vicky, thanks a lot for this pretty pair of earings.
You're the best cow. haha.

This is from RK and the gorgeous Ritya.
Thanks guys.
Didn't actually thought that you guys would remember my birthday:) xD

This is from my lovely aunt and my cousin sister.
It's a very pretty book.
Was surprised that my aunt actually remembered my birthday cause she usually intends to forget every others birthday.
So thanks for the gift and especially thanks for remembering my birthday:)

I also got a birthday treat from my parents.
They brought me shopping and told me to pick anything i want on that day since its my birthday.
On weekend they brought me to Swensens since i love ice cream
Well, for those who haven't been to Swensens yet, you should try the ice cream there!!
You can never find that kind of ice cream anywhere else:)
Before I forget, thank you so much to those who stayed up till 12 midnight to just be the first one to wish me.
I won't really be blogging that often since its PMR this year and exams would be in a week or two time.
Ill try my best blogging if I'm free.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

---About ME---

[x] Name: Navjit Kaur

[x] Eye colour: Darkish brown.

[x] Hair colour: Darkish brown

[x] Righty or Lefty: Righty. :D

[x] Zodiac sign: Capricon baby.


[x] Pepsi or coke: Definitely Coke :D

[x] McDonald’s or Burger King : MCD! (:

[x] Adidas or Nike: Both will do.

[x] Chocolate or vanilla: For sure Chocolate! I hate Vanilla.

[x] Cappuccino or coffee : None.

---DO YOU---

[x] Smoke : No.

[x] Take a shower : Three times in a day ;)

[x] Have a crush[es] : Maybe.

[x] Do you think you’ve been in love? : Yes, and I hope I would again.

[x] Want to get married : Nop. Never thought bout it yet.

[x] Believe in yourself : Not at this point that i am now!

[x] Play an instrument : Nope. I'm talentless.


[x] Missed school because it was raining? : Nope.

[x] Told a guy/girl that you liked them? : Yup.

[x] Cried during a Movie? : Yes yes yes.

[x] Had a crush on a teacher? : Sadly, no.

[x] Been in a fight: A few arguments.


[x] Number of boyfriends/Girlfriends you’ve had: =X

[x] Number of people I could trust with my life: Not many but enough for me!

[x] Number of CDs that I own: Kinda lots.

[x] Number of tattoos: None.

[x] Number of things in my past that I regret: Banyak banyak! Too many! It's uncountable.


[x] Yourself: Nope.

[x] Your friends: Yes, my close ones.

[x] Santa Claus: Yup.

[x] Ghosts: Yesh yesh..

[x] God: Yes. :D


[x] Do you ever wish you had another name?: Yup I wish!! My name is so odd!

[x] Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: Had. Past tense.

[x] Do you like anyone?: Used too but that no longer matters now:(

[x] Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: Everybody is different in their own way.

[x] Who have you known the longest of your friends?: Jo Yee!! :D

[x] Who do you hang around the most?: Hmmm lots but i'll just name you a few of them. Sandy, Kavisha, Nisha, Ramona, Vicky and the list still goes on but this are the foursome that i talk to the most. :D

[x] What's the best feeling in the world?: Being happy and satisfied.

[x] Worst Feeling?: Emo and loosing your loved ones ):


[x] Cried: Yes.

[x] Worn jeans: Yup.

[x] Met someone: Of course.

[x] Talked on the phone: Yeahh. With Nisha. ;D


[x] Best eye color: Anything that suits the person.

[x] Best hair color: Anything that suits the person.

[x] Best height: Definitely slightly taller than me.

[x] Best weight: Doesn't matter.

[x] Best first date location: A place where only us matter.

8 person to TAG:

Wen Ting

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Navjit:)

19 JANUARY 2009:)

Life Nowadays

First of all, i would like to apologise for not been blogging for a long time. I was kinda bz and had no time to blog. Sry guys.
Well school's great this year but it had been hard for me to wake up so early in the morning:(
When ever i reach home after school i'll fall asleep. In fact most of the classes are so boring that I intend to fall asleep. Haha
I'm sitting at the end of the class and the last row on the left.
I hardly get to hear what teacher says in class??!!
I''m sitting with Sandy this year! Well she's the most gayest and the most retarded person in my class.
And guess what?? Suraj is sitting right beside us!! We're like torturing him the whole day!!
Its so fun in school!

But there's only 266 days more left for PMR! I'm not ready yet i guess:(
Time is passing by so fast.
I feel like PMR is by the corner.
12 OCTOBER 2009!!

Btw morning session prefection board is totally different then the afternoon session prefecion board!! I prefer the morning one. Though the rules are more tight..

I will not really be blogging that often any longer.
I promise I'll blog when i'm free
Gtg for now!!